Saturday, April 11, 2009


Why do I sneeze so much? Am I allergic to Winston-Salem? Since I've gotten here, multiple people have commented on my sneeze frequency to the point that now I'm hyperaware of my sneezing. If only I could do the discrete sneeze, instead of my loud, obnoxious one.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The End of an Era.

This is a sad day for Memphis basketball fans. As I write this, Calipari is leaving for Kentucky, taking with him the many hopes Tiger fans had for next year's season. He brought the Memphis community together and provided some wonderful memories. There are big shoes to coach, staff, and players...However, once a Tiger fan, always a Tiger fan. Go Tigers go!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Asian Fusion Restaurants

Talk about a hiatus. I need to re-harness the creative powers that have been buried by medical I'm back.

I went to an Asian Fusion restaurant called Xia tonight. When I think Asian Fusion restaurants, I imagine fried banana spring rolls, intimate lighting, and modern dinnerware. Check, check, and check. My experience was complete...although I need to go back to try the pho that they conveniently ran out of (pho was my original reason for choosing this place).

Friday, August 24, 2007

That's Hot

I changed the tagline of this blog from "because you should sweat the small stuff. at least glow." to "finding the meaningless of life." This change was necessary because I was stepping on Kevin James' toes. I woke up at my friend Sarah's house last week after our birthday party, and her extensive DVD collection was in my line of sight. Of course, the first DVD I notice is of Kevin James' standup routine. His tagline is "sweat the small stuff." Now, when my blog becomes famous, I cannot be accused of copying the King of Queens.

Ok, now to more interesting topics like feedback loops. I dived into advanced neuroscience courses this past year, and I honestly cannot say I understand much. However, one thing I did learn was how to draw pretty diagrams of positive and negative feedback loops. To refresh your memory or teach you something new, a positive feedback loop acts like this: A increases/causes the production of B which in turn increases/causes the production of A. A negative feedback loop acts this way: A increases/causes the production of B which in turn prevents the production of A.

Why this boring lesson? I always love a good metaphor so I'm going to attempt one now (forgive me if it backfires). For the past few weeks that I have been at home in Memphis, the heat has been unforgiving. Weeks of +100 degree temperatures + humidity - rain = can't breathe. What is the solution to this problem? Well, eradicating global warming is the long term answer. Moving to South Africa where it is now winter would be a moderate term answer. For right now, air conditioning is a good way to stay alive.

This is the point the metaphor enters. A normally hot day can be represented by a negative feedback loop. The heat encourages one to turn on the A/C which in turn decreases the heat. A cooled house. Yay - smiles all around. Let me tell you my current situation. On the lovely triple digit days, my house decides to go into positive feedback mode. The unbearable heat encourages me to turn on the A/C that proves to be dysfunctional because of the unbearable heat, thus leading to more hot weather. A stuffy house. Boo - sweat all around.

A working-A/C-blessed Jenny is cooler than a dysfunctional-A/C-cursed Jenny.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Preview

This will be a monumental day in Trivial Pursuit history. I am posting TWO entries! Why such a generous gift? In my caffeine-induced insomnia last night, I came up with two different ideas, and I am at a loss for transitions. I also decided that this blog needs 10 (not 5 like I initially planned) entries before it makes its more public debut on Facebook. I am not confident that this blog will stay alive with only 5 entries. Ten is a keeper.

Now, onto the topic of previews. There needs to be a pre-gym gym. What do I mean? For those of us who are not bodybuilders and of other athletic physiques, we need a pre-gym gym - an exact replica of a normal gym minus the fit people - to feel less intimidation and build up confidence (and muscles) for the real gym. For me personally, a pre-gym gym will allow me to learn how to use the machines without the feeling of being a specimen under the microscope of shame. At a normal gym, I feel the need to act nonchalantly while reading the instructions for a machine as the Muscles from Brussels pumps his iron right next to me.

In other realms, there should also be previews. For example, a pre-housekeeper housekeeper. I know little about the housekeeping world, but I have heard stories about people feeling the pressure to clean before their housekeeper comes. The solution? Hire a pre-housekeeper housekeeper.

Is my preview obsession an image thing? If so, I need a review session for my priorities.


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Recalled to Life

After a close call with blog doom, I am back in business. Blame writer's block, my 21st birthday celebration, and medical school applications. Besides, if I am to bring sexy back, I have to do it right.

As the blog title suggests, this entry is about leaving my senses but luckily regaining them. Let me explain. I excitedly found a "job" shadowing a pediatric urologist. On my very first day watching my very first surgery (a circumcision), I happily stood on a stepping stool observing the urologist and his two residents in action. I really felt like I belonged here and was quite pleased with myself. Premature excitement.

A sudden lightheaded feeling overwhelmed me and the world began to turn a dark color as I realized that I was about to pass out. Luckily, I asked to sit down and was wheeled to a room where apple juice and graham crackers saved me. Perhaps the culprit of my not-so-great first impression was my insufficient breakfast, the earliness of the day, the bright surgery room lights, or the standing. Whatever it was, I really feel embarrassed. Now I am the weak girl who faints on the job. Of course, they tried to downplay the situation, telling stories of similar fainting experiences, but now I have become another anecdote for them to tell.

Permanent tattoos can be removed by surgeons. Can permanent embarrassing stories?


Thursday, August 9, 2007

How to Make Life Less Awkward

Get a miniature dachshund if you want to lead an awkward-free life. Not only are these long-bodied, stubby-legged canines adorable, they also make the best conversation pieces. The dachshund I have been pet-sitting this summer has made everyone from infants to the elderly smile. The only person she has yet to befriend is the mailman.

Here are some of the more memorable interactions I have experienced while walking Parley, the dog:
-Parley made a wailing toddler immediately start laughing once he saw Parley's charming self. Unfortunately, the toddler began to wail again as soon as I left.
-Two ladies ran out of a fancy restaurant to pet the dog. Actually, this encounter may have been a tad awkward because Parley tried to climb up one of the lady's dresses. However, Parley's cuteness trumped that detail.
-A 6 or 7-year-old girl commanded Parley to lick her toe since she had a boo-boo. According to her expert scientific opinion, a dog's saliva is the cure for a boo-boo. Her equally knowledgeable friend also had heard of this treatment. I guess this is what I will learn in medical school.
-Perhaps the sweetest moment occurred when an elderly woman looked at Parley and reminiscently stated how Parley brought back memories of her own dachshund she had years ago. This was a true dachshund connection.

What is my favorite dachshund moment? Perhaps this is just a Parley moment, but I love when she stands on something, e.g. a body pillow, and then tries vigorously to move it with her paws. Of course, she doesn't realize she is her own obstacle and continues this until I stop being amused and begin to feel bad for her. This action reminds me of the activity-based anorexia rats in my lab. They just keep running in their wheels forever...too bad that's the point of the experiment.

Normally, I don't trust hot dogs, but I make an exception for this type. However, I hear that Hebrew National isn't bad.
