Wednesday, August 8, 2007


iMac. iTunes. iPod. iPhoto. iMovie. iDVD. iWeb. iWork. iLife. In case you missed it, this will be a blog about the iCraze. Apple has managed to conquer everything, even life itself (iLife). Before you know it, people will be asking for iFries with their iDrinks or reading the iNews while sitting on the iTrain.

However, there is one sphere Apple has not yet monopolized. Verbs. I think (or is it iThink?) their submission to the pomaceous empire will come soon enough, but for now, I am probably the only one who will iRun while iListening to music. The end of the sanctity of verbs seems inevitable, especially considering the fact that Apple took over the first person personal pronoun. Instead of "i," they could have used a letter of the alphabet that didn't stand alone as a word, such as a zPod or zMac. Ok, now I officially feel like the bad comedian who overextended his stay on stage.

Why did I tell this lengthy bad joke? I told it for the same reason that girls are mean to the guys they secretly admire. MacBook is my crush. I think Apple computers are so posh and apparently, they have good operating systems. I really don't mind the iMonopoly as long as I can have my MacBook.

Who needs iBanking when you have iTunes?


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