Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Title Says It All!

Hi everyone,

Welcome to my blog! This is new for you AND me. I plan to post random tidbits to amuse you (and myself). As the name of the blog indicates, all posts will relate to nothing important. Trivial Pursuit will include random anecdotes from my daily life or from stories I hear about in the news, from friends, etc. Thus, don't worry - if you miss a post, it's not like missing your period and thinking you're pregnant (I am currently watching Knocked Up).

I think my blog has potential for several reasons:
1) Sometimes, taking a break from The Economist or The New Yorker IS productive. Just ask yours truly because I'm on permanent leave of absence.
2) Memory. Psychologists always talk about the short-term memory span of 7 +/- 2 digits. I need a way to make sure I stay on that "plus" end. Writing seems to be a good enabler.
3) As part of the YouTube, Facebook, iPod/Phone/Tunes generation, blogging only makes perfect sense. We heart technology.
4) Do I need to justify my blog? Seinfeld writers would say no.

Here is my first taste of nothing:
As any normal person, I really dislike unwarranted personal attacks from anybody. Make that from anything. Namely, squirrels. Within the last two weeks, I encountered two such attacks. The first attack occurred as I was waiting for my 6:37 am Dinky ride. I was quietly eating my breakfast sandwich while sitting on a bench. I noticed something somewhat odd about the two squirrels bustling near me... but not really that odd considering the fact that Princeton squirrels are half-tamed freaks that I have seen eat everything from McDonald's hashbrowns to apples. The squirrels were jumping in and out of the trash cans near me. I'm sure they were just foraging for that leftover hashbrown. However, the personal attack came as they must have noticed my sandwich. They creeped up to me until they were merely inches from my feet. Because I am not a rabies fan, I got up and started walking away. Those pathetic excuses for rodents followed me around, maintaing an uncomfortably close distance! Luckily, the Dinky came to whisk me away.

The second attack happened today, circa 3 pm. I had happily finished my Bent Spoon ice cream (kiwi lime on top, peach on the bottom) and had to dispose of my cup and spoon before I returned to Firestone. I noticed the trash can had flies swarming around it. This observation probably would have been forgotten if it were not for the loser squirrel that almost attacked my face and made this incident a bigger deal. I threw my trash in the can and WHAM! A squirrel jumped up from inside the can and came way too close to my cheek. James-Lange theorists say that physiological responses come before the awareness of the corresponding emotions. This was definitely a James-Lange -ish moment because I freaked out before I realized what I thought was a bird was actually a squirrel that jumped way too high.

Two annoying close calls with squirrels. Two too many.


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